Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Show to Go.... (in other words, current Broadway To-See List)

Since I am back, and Broadway is thereby also back on my radar of items of note and desire, PSA (and mental note) of shows of current desire to see, not in order. Well, mostly not. Since I saw the divinely wonderfully fabulous incredible no-words-needed-to-describe Hello Dolly with the more divine Bette Midler for a second round last evening (insert grin too wide for face ahhhh), I will exclude this from the list. Actually, on second thought, no I won't, for there is no maximum number for times seeing Miss M in whatever the show and definitely not in Hello, Hello Dolly. The limit does not exist. (How apropos this reference is actually ON Broadway right now right?) So, without any further ramblings, the list:

1. (Still have not seen and still dying to see) Dear Evan Hanson. Yeah yeah, I know what's his face Ben whoever is not in it anymore and it is about suicide and stuff but definitely still a must-put-on-have-seen-list-ASAP. Well, maybe not ASAP but eventaully.

2. Summer. My cake pops have not melted and I do love me some Donna Summer, however cheesy or cliche this what-looks-to-be-flamboyant musical appears to be. A definite must see.

3. Mean Girls. Cause, obvi. How could I NOT want to see it?

4. Phantom of the Opera. Yep, still on Broadway, in fact adjacent to the Hello Dolly theater, still a classic favorite and still on my to-see-for-fourth-time list.

5. Hello Dolly. My love for Bette Midler is obviously limitless and as such, thereby so is the number of times I would like to see her divinity in this show. Hellloooooooo Bette.

6. Hamilton. I meeeeaaaan, frankly, despite shocked reactions, this has never been #1, (well, or #2) on my to-see list, and without Mr. Manuel in it these days, it still frankly, still isn't. But, I wouldn't, like, complain if someone handed me a ticket. You know, I'd go. ;)

Since Three Tall Women closed (sheds tear), this brings my list to a close, at least for now. Until I have some Broadway news, reviews, or muses (sort of rhymes right?), stay well, be true and be you.

With Broadway lights,

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