Friday, August 10, 2018

Morning Musing

It is not for others to judge relationships, whether friend, romantic, professional or otherwise. There are elements of every relationship that only those within it can know, truly understand. Cliche bliche but...just as it is not fair to judge until you walk a mile, run a 5K or stroll a block in another person's shoes, such is the same to assign judgment to another's relationship. It is not right to deign to assign judgement or understand a relationship external to you (and by you, I mean one), in the absence of being in it. It is not fair but more so, impossible.

To feel all the feels (thanks for the phrase, A) in a person to person relationship, you simply must be in it. What happens between two people, again regardless of the dynamic between them, can only be known to those people. Obviously, I speak from the experience of having an "external" (let's use that term) individual assign judgment to one of my personal relationships. And let me tell you, Bunnies, that does not feel good. Understatement of the, er, quarter.

I will keep this morning's musing brief, as that is really the bulk of my conveyance right now. A gentle reminder of sorts. A kind of musing. A human observation from the inside, the outside and all the spaces between. If you don't understand something in full, that is okay, but better to not pretend to do so. Pretending to fully grasp anything when you in fact do not, in this matter, a human relationship, leads to unnecessary and oftentimes erroneous judgments, hurt feelings, injurious words and at the end of the proverbial day, avoided confrontations. If you're outside of something, try to remain there. If you're inside of it, well, stay put if and when you ascertain it's best to do so.

It is okay not to decide where to stay right this second, just remember what has been, what is now, what is true and what is you. All the rest can come later.

That is all I know that is true...this morning.


*Post note of apology for vagueness utilized in this post. Sometimes a little vagueness goes a long way.

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