Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reese Witherspoon and Husband James Toth Both Arrested...Yesterday's Wire Post

For most of us, the celebrity we would last imagine with a mug shot under her belt would be the typically squeaky clean Oscar-winning Southern mother of two, Reese Witherspoon.  On Friday, though, she proved us wrong, when she was arrested and sent to jail for disorderly conduct toward a police officer.
After not staying in his lane while driving, Witherspoon’s  husband, James Toth, was pulled over and charged with a DUI. State troopers began to give him a field sobriety test to assess the extent of intoxication. Before the test commenced, Reese exited the car in what she non-soberly saw as a “helpful defensive act” for her husband and was promptly told by officers to get back in the vehicle.
She cooperated once, but as the test ensued, “Mrs. Witherspoon began to hang out the window and say that she did not believe that I was a real police officer. I told Mrs. Witherspoon to sit on her butt and be quiet,” Trooper First Class J. Pyland told Fox News.
She watched as her husband was arrested for driving under the influence and failure to maintain the lane while driving early Friday morning. Husband first, wife next. Witherspoon was then herself put under arrest for disorderly conduct against police.
Upon realizing she was actually on the cusp of going to jail, Witherspoon made a futile attempt to play her celebrity card. “Do you know my name?”
The police officer could have been a die hard Legally Blonde/Walk the Line fan — yet he could not have cared less about her name. She was taken, alongside her husband, to the Atlanta city jail… and bailed out promptly the next morning.  They are set to be in court this morning.
Witherspoon has since publicly apologized for her seemingly out-of-character confrontational behavior. ”…I do want to say, I clearly had one drink too many and I am deeply embarrassed about the things I said. It was definitely a scary situation and I was frightened for my husband, but that is no excuse. I was disrespectful to the officer who was just doing his job.”
I would say so.
Celebrity or not, drinking plus driving equates to the same result. The pair were lucky neither they nor anyone else was injured.


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